ATLAS.ti 8.0.31 (win) Full Download - crack included

ATLAS.ti 8.0.31 (win) Full Download - crack included

ATLAS.ti is a powerful workbench for the qualitative analysis of large bodies of textual, graphical, audio and video data.
Sophisticated tools help you to arrange, reassemble, and manage your material in creative, yet systematic ways. ATLAS.ti keeps you focused on the material itself. Whether your field is anthropology, economics, criminology, or medicine: ATLAS.ti will meet your qualitative analysis needs!

ATLAS.ti 8 Windows
Completely re-designed in nearly every aspect, ATLAS.ti 8 Windows is poised to set new standards for computer-assisted qualitative data analysis.

ATLAS.ti 8 Windows
ATLAS.ti 8 is highly intuitive and easier to learn and use than any other QDA program–including older versions of ATLAS.ti.

For our latest offering, we listened closely to our users’ needs and wishes, and have focused especially on a maximum degree of usability. ATLAS.ti 8’s completely revamped interface has been designed to follow rigorous priciples of function-oriented usability. It employs a logical ribbon structure, context menus and keyboard shortcuts to make your work flow as ergonomic as possible.

Shortcomings of older versions have been eliminated, and much requested new functionality has been added. Most notably, unlimited Undo/Redo is now possible with every aspect of the program. Full native Unicode support lets you work with material in any language and character set. An easy-to-use search tool performs fine-grained searches on every level of your project. Simultaneous work with multiple data sources supports new comparative approaches.

ATLAS.ti 8 is easy to learn. Many formerly convoluted processes have been radically simplified. The focus is on getting results quickly and efficiently.
ATLAS.ti 8 is powerful and innovative. Stylish network visualizations serve both the analytical process and provide excellent presentation tools. Importing surveys, data from Twitter as well as from your favorite reference manager is a breeze.
ATLAS.ti 8 comes with with the future built-in. Completely rewritten and based on the latest technology, ATLAS.ti 8 allows for rapid, modular expansion. So expect to see previously unthinkable new possibilities in the coming months and years as ATLAS.ti 8 continues to grow by design.

These are some of the powerful new features:
State-of-the-art, highly intuitive user interface with ribbons, tabbed views
Instant access to all project items via Navigator
Regions permit working with multiple documents, memos, networks etc. simultaneously
More powerful “margin” than ever, many new interactive functions.
Direct import of Twitter and Evernote data
Support for literature review through import from reference managers such as Endnote
Multi-functional word clouds for all object types
Groups for all object types
Unicode throughout – work with documents in any language or character set
Undo/Redo (100 steps)
Powerful Visual Query Editor
SmartCodes and SmartGroups
Split Codes
Full project search (former “Word cruncher”) significantly improved with dynamic fade-in/fade-out hit categories
Elegant and trememdously useful new network layout options
Previews and comments for all items
Bi-directional project exchange with ATLAS.ti Mac
Under the hood: Clean separation of data layer, application logic, and user interface, latest technology for safe and reliable performance.


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    Omni Software: Atlas.Ti 8.0.31 (Win) Full - Crack Included >>>>> Download Full

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